@ MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Join us on Friday April 28, 2023 at MIT Lincoln Laboratory for the closing event of the FY23 SOCOM
Ignite Innovation Program.
ROTC students from across the country formed teams during the kickoff in September 2022 to address
a series of SOCOM Operator challenges spanning robotics and autonomy, data analytics, sensor
fusion, covert communications, energy, biotech, and resource allocation.
The cadets have done an amazing job since the kickoff event, refining their concepts and even
building prototypes in many cases and we hope you will join us as they present/demo their
culminating work of the FY23 program.
Venue: MIT Lincoln Laboratory (244 Wood Street Lexington, MA 02421)
Registration for the event is now closed. For the last part of the day, beginning at 1420 EST, you can join in via the Zoom Webinar.
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
Please click this URL to join. https://mitll.zoomgov.com/j/1603932132?pwd=Q0dxdGgydHFSeHYzOHUxSlVtUDJNUT09
Passcode: 904515
Or One tap mobile:
+16692545252,,1603932132# US (San Jose)
+16468287666,,1603932132# US (New York)
Or join by phone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 669 254 5252 or +1 646 828 7666
Webinar ID: 160 393 2132
Contact us at SOF-ignite@ll.mit.edu
Agenda (all times EST)
0800-0830 ROTC Teams Arrival & Badging (S-Building Lobby)
0830-0900 Breakfast
0900-1145 Track 1: ROTC Teams and Mentors Finalize Presentations/Demos
0900-1200 Track 2: All Other Participants/Visitors: MIT LL Tours and Tech Demos
1200-1240 Lunch
1240-1300 Transit to Autonomous Systems Development Facility (ASDF) Autonomy
1300-1400 Autonomy Teams Presentations with Demos at ASDF
1400-1420 Transit to S-Building Auditorium
1420-1600 Cadet Teams Presentations (Auditorium)
1600 Closing Remarks, Awards & Reception (Outside Auditorium)